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Our school participates in the international Erasmus + project entitled H.E.L.P. 2020–2022 (Help the Environment Love the Planet) and finally the agreement was signed with Germany, Portugal, Spain and Slovenia.

Videoconference for teachers and students

Erasmus+ club (2020.09.02)

New members 12-15 years students:

Augustė Liutkutė 6 grade

Ainė Vydmantaitė 6 grade

Jovaras Viršilas 6 grade

Domantas Turčinskis 6 grade

Kamilė Girdenytė 7  grade

Milda Danilevičiūtė 7 grade

Justė Bartkevičiūtė 7  grade

Eivilė Lipskytė 7 grade

Marius Liaučevičius 7 grade

Viltė Bagdonaitė 7 grade

Emilija Durčaitė 8 grade

European Language Day (2020.09.23)

September 24 Pupils of grades 5-8, 10 led by Lithuanian and foreign language teachers, welcomed the upcoming European Day of Languages, congratulating everyone and wishing to learn another foreign language! Erasmus + club members have creatively created word bubbles.

The school’s pupils cheerfully and creatively celebrated European Day of Languages. Through experiential learning, they got to know European countries, flags and languages. He trained his fingers by bending boats, coloring, cutting and gluing country flags

Powerpoint presentation: Plants around our school (2020.10.07)

The members of Erasmus Club have been familiarising themselves with the trees and shrubs that grow in the school neighbourhood, taking pictures of them, gathering information on the Internet, and introducing themselves to each other in English. We are broadening our horizons and enriching our English vocabulary!

Trip to the forest (2020.10.16)

Through friendly communication with ecologists, "I am a healthy person", members of the Erasmus + club started the activities of the international project "H.E.L.P". Today the students visited the forest. The forest educator "Forest - will save the planet" was led by forester Paulius Gedrimas. During the trip, the students learned a lot about the work of foresters, planting and maintenance of the forest, arrangement of forest plants. The forester Paulius said that the forest is a complex ecosystem that is not easy to grow, maintain, but very easy to irresponsibly damage and destroy

 Seminar Virtual design (2020.11.04)

Our school teachers participated in the training HOW TO MANAGE THE ART OF GRAPHIC FIXING?

We learned:

- Why it is important to visualize?

- What are the main forms and their practice?

- How visualization affects the thought process and how to visualize a project?

 It was a rewarding experience!

Erasmus project corner (2020.11.10)

English teachers introduced the students to the international Erasmus + H.E.L.P project. This is the third long-term project underway at our school!

Interactive avatars (2020.11.18)

Erasmus Club members learned how to create interactive avatars (  to customize their appearance and share what they say.

Christmas cards (2020.12.09)

Erasmus + club members are actively involved in eTwinning, correspond with foreign friends. They have already sent them Christmas cards and sweet surprises. There are a few comments after receiving the Christmas letters:

Ainė: I loved exchanging Christmas cards with pen pals, it would be fun to exchange them before Easter! 

Augustė: Christmas cards – It was a  lovely gift... 

Emilija: It was cute to exchange Christmas cards.

Materials from the forest (2020.12.10)

After visiting the forest of our district, we collected natural materials that we will use for Christmas decorations

Exhibition: Christmas decorations made of natural materials (2020.12.16)

A magical Christmas waiting, surrounded by spectacular angels, embraced by Christmas wreaths. A group of young environmentalists invited all primary school classes to participate in "Let's Bring a Christmas Wreath Surrounded by Angels."

Kahoot with penpals from Sovenia (2021.02.24)

The penpals from  foreign coutries were invited to an interactive KAHOOT quiz to test their knowledge of the H.E.L.P. Country.

AINĖ: It was really fun to play and meet pen pals!

Augustė: Kahoot – a simple, a funny game. 

Emilija: The Kahoot game was so funny and we learned more about other project countries.

Local Logo contest (2021.03.03)

Erasmus club members learned how to create logos. Students submitted the most beautiful logos to the competition and two winners were secretly selected.

Student`s comments about project H.E.L.P activities (2021.03.16)

About internet friends:


- Everything is fine, we are friends, I am glad to have met them.


- Everyone is very friendly! 


- We are friends, I am happy to have them. 


- All  of them responded to me, they were friendly. 


- The opinion about the  project: Perfect, I am glad, that I’m here, that I am able to learn about other countries and meet good friends. 

Easter cards (2021.03.24)

Before Easter, handmade postcards went out to correspondence friends. Happy Easter! 

PowerPoint slides: Introduce the project countries (2021.04.14)

As the students of the project will play an interactive Kahoot game next week, the members of the Erasmus Club were very interested and searched the internet for information about the project countries, geographical location, fauna, flora, tradition, etc. The information was placed on slides.

Logo contest (2021.05.19)

Using the Mentimeter app, the project participants secretly voted and selected the three best logos in their opinion that could be the logo of our H.E.L.P project.

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