About the project
In each school students identify the problems that affect their local natural heritage and how they are being fought/ prevented at present.
Students from other schools research about how their local authorities fight/ prevent the problems identified by other schools and teach them those good practices.
Each school creates a campaign (based on new and creative practices they have learned) to raise awareness of the preservation of natural heritage.
Each school presents their local authorities new solutions for their local problems.
To become aware of the problems of the natural heritage around us and reflect on the reasons for those problems.
To learn more about the problems that affect local natural heritage and how each country fights/ prevents those problems.
To show the community what students have learned through this process and raise awareness of the local natural heritage problems and present-day solutions.
To discover ways in which other countries fight/ prevent our problems and learn from their experience.
To create a campaign to help people fight/ prevent the local natural heritage problems and suggest local authorities new and creative ways of doing it.
To become more aware and proactive citizens by improving democratic participation in the local problems.
To learn how to use different Web 2.0 Tools and improve ICT skills.
To use the English language in order to communicate with others.
To do collaborative work and use different ways to communicate with colleagues from other countries.
Work process
Students show other countries photos of the local natural heritage (before and now) and research about their problems and reasons for those.
Students organize lectures/ debates/ interviews with specialists/ local authorities in order to research about how these problems are being fought/ prevented.
Schools create exhibitions to show local communities what they have learned through this process and raise awareness of the local natural heritage problems.
Each country hosts a live meeting to talk about what good practises they can teach each other.
Students visit each other in order to learn about possible solutions for their local natural heritage problems, create a campaign to protect them and suggest their local authorities different and creative ways to fight/ prevent the existing problems.